Child Eye Care Associates, LLC
Pediatric & Adolescent Ophthalmology
Adult Eye Muscle Disorders
Sophia Fang, MD Shawn Goodman, MD David Wheeler, MD Julie Yu, MD
Alexandra Bavasi, OD Sally Murray, CO

Blue Cross Blue Shield
Care Oregon*
Columbia Pacific OHP
Community Health Plan of Washington
Core Source
Columbia United Providers*
Health Net
Molina Health Plan - Washington
Pacific Source
Providence Health Plan
Providence Oregon Health Plan
Providence Medicare Extra
Samaritan Health/ Intercommunity Health*
Trillium OHP*
Tuality OHP*
United Healthcare
*Many health insurance plans require a referral to be in place before we can schedule an appointment. If an insurance referral is required, it is your responsibility to contact your primary care provider and ensure one is in place. If an insurance referral is not in place you will be held financially responsible for the visit.
We accept nearly all major medical insurance plans including:
We are not providers for most Vision Plans, including:
Superior Vision*
Oregon Medicaid, if your child only has a "vision" diagnosis, such as astigmatism or nearsightedness
* For Vision Plans, our office will bill you directly. We can provide you with a copy of the invoice that you can then use to bill your Vision Plan yourself for reimbursement.
For the most up-to-date information on our accepted health insurance plans
contact our clinic directly at 503-635-4436

Save time when visiting the office and download all your patient forms here
Medical History Form (child)
Medical History Form (adult)
Financial Policy
Medical records release FROM Child Eye Care
Medical records release FROM your physician TO Child Eye
Privacy Notice. For your records ONLY. Does not need to be printed and returned with other forms.
We require all new patients to submit a fully completed and signed copy of a medical history form, a demographic sheet, our HIPAA policy and our financial policy.
All forms can be completed online through our patient portal or you may print them from the links above, complete by hand, and present them at check in.
Thank you!